3 Signs You Should Install GPS Tracking Systems In Your Commercial Vehicles

Technology Blog

As you might already know, a lot of companies now have GPS tracking systems in their commercial vehicles. You might not have found it necessary to take this step yet, but there is a good chance that your business could benefit from doing so. These are a few signs that this might be something that you'll want to look into.

1. Your Commercial Insurance Costs Are High

All sorts of things can cause your commercial vehicle insurance to be expensive, from the driving records of your employees to the value of the vehicles that you have insured through the company. One thing that you might not realize, however, is that many commercial vehicle insurance companies will actually offer discounts for companies that put GPS tracking systems in their trucks. This is true for a few reasons. First of all, many believe that these systems can encourage drivers to drive more responsibly, since they know that their employers can track their driving habits. Additionally, if a vehicle is stolen, it will be easier for it to be recovered. If you would like to find out more about whether or not this could help you save money on your insurance, it's a good idea to contact your commercial vehicle insurance agent.

2. Your Vehicles Are Experiencing Excessive Wear and Tear

All commercial fleets of vehicles need maintenance. However, if you have found that your commercial fleet seems to need more maintenance than it should, such as if you find that you are replacing brakes and tires on your vehicles much more often than usual, then you could be wondering what the problem is. In many cases, employees' driving habits can have a big impact on the wear and tear on your commercial vehicles. By installing GPS tracking systems, you can get a better idea of how your employees are driving your vehicles.

3. You Feel That Productivity Isn't Where I t Should Be

Unfortunately, when you provide employees with freedom by allowing them to drive your commercial vehicles on the clock without supervision, there is always a chance that someone will try to take advantage of you. If you feel that productivity is lacking because of this, such as if you think that your employees might be running their own errands on company time, then it could pay to install GPS tracking systems on your vehicles. You might find that once you can track where your employees are going that they will be more productive and will stick to doing what they are supposed to do while they are being paid.

For more information, talk to a professional like StarTrak GPS.


25 April 2017

Taking Technology Classes

When I decided to go back to school after I was finished raising my kids, I knew that I would face a long and arduous road ahead of me. I didn't know what college would bring, but I did know that I would need to embrace technology and learn a few tricks of the trade. After I started school, I was blown away with how much the world had changed. My teachers expected me to do my homework online, which for me at the time was pretty overwhelming. My blog shares my journey of learning about computers and technology from a child's perspective--as an adult.